The truth, doesn’t trickle down…
Find out where your company is actually headed, using brand new methods of data intelligence that have not been accessible to small businesses, until now.
Obtain objective insights about your unique business or startup that “unblock” your productivity. Think that’s impossible? We’ll prove it.

Rithm Media
is a dynamic, B2B digital solutions company with a keen focus on AI integration, and automation. We also specialize in advanced multi-media marketing and analytics.
Our team is a collaboration of business and technology experts that work closely with companies, brands, movements, and public figures to provide comprehensive strategies and customized solutions in this era of deep learning.
Our headquarters are located in Frederick, MD. We utilize local contractors whenever possible and also hire and train paid interns from local schools who are finishing their degree.

Frequently asked questions
What is “AI Integration” and why would I want that?
Everyone has heard the buzzword “AI” but few really know what it is or what to think of it. For most people and in the simplest terms, AI is a means for anyone to use or improve the way they interact with technology, for free.
Free? How is it free?
In a similar way Google is free. Thanks to developers who believe in “open source” (free) code, all one needs is an internet connection and some research time, just like a Google search.
I’d like to use it for my business somehow, but my problems are complex. What can AI really do for me?
More than you think. Our company has analyzed hundreds of business plans and models in industries ranging from software development to laundromats. Can you guess how many we found that could not use AI tools to scale their business or at least save them 10% of their overhead costs?